Wednesday, April 25, 2007

From under the stack of law school books!

Just a quick note to let you all know that the current total is $2630!!!

My new goal is $3000, at the start of all this I was sceptical of even reaching $1000!

Getting ready to pack and leave in 18 days is about the only thing keeping me going through law school exams!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh my goodness!

I honestly cannot believe this! You all are amazing, really, I cannot express how thankful I am.

Today the fundraising total is: $2060

That is a HUGE amount of money in Tanzania and will do so much good. I am not mailing the checks until May 1st, so this number could grow even more!

Reaching this goal is one of my greatest accomplishments and I could not have done it alone.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


So, today I received yet another check, and as each check makes me extremely happy, this one holds particular significance, it put me over the top in reaching my goal of raising $1000!!!!! I actually cried at my mailbox, I was in shock and just so happy to know so many generous people!

The current total: $1060

In other news, I am officially safe and vaccinated! I visited the Travel Doctor on Friday and got treated like a pin cushion, polio and hep A in one arm and meningitis and tetanus in the other arm. Then I filled all my prescriptions to take with me, I feel like a walking pharmacy!

I leave in 36 days, I can't believe it, I am so excited. But, there is a lot to be done in order to finish school between now and then.